2020 marked a year like no other for Annual General Meetings (AGMs). Brought by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Government imposed restrictions and the temporary changes in legislation greatly impacted the way AGMs were held.
This resulted in an accelerated digital shift to virtual/hybrid meetings, as the ability for Australian companies to hold fully virtual meetings was made possible due to the temporary modifications the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), removing any legal uncertainty around the validity of virtual meetings in Australia.
Navigating through the volatile and uncertain market conditions, our dedicated Meetings Team successfully guided our clients through the 2020 AGM season, delivering over 390 meetings.
As a leading provider of share registry services, BoardRoom is committed to sharing industry knowledge and key market trends.
The BoardRoom 2020 AGM Summary report provides key insights and trends for AGMs including:
- Meetings summary (including the number and type of meetings held);
- AGM attendance;
- Shareholder engagement;
- Polling;
- Online voting;
- Strikes;
- AGM Technology;
- AGM planning; and
- Benefits and limitations to holding AGMs through electronic means.
The analysis and statistics provided in the report were acquired through the ASX200 and BoardRoom’s coverage of our clients where we provided AGM services.
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