Do you have full transparency on the beneficial holders of your company?

28 Sep 2017

Company Update

With the AGM season almost upon us, and with investors increasingly taking their voting rights much more seriously, it is more important than ever to understand your shareholder base.

If you rely on a list of your top registered shareholders to know who your major holders are, you may be missing a vital part of the picture. Institutional investor holdings generally sit behind nominee holdings, and the only sure way to identify your beneficial holders is to conduct an in-depth analysis of your register.

BoardRoom’s partnership with Market Eye makes this complex and time-consuming task quick and easy, and gives you access to some of Market Eye’s other services:

  • Analysing the level of influence that proxy advisory firms have on your company’s register
  • Undertaking institutional shareholder engagement before your AGM
  • Tracking instructions received by nominees before votes are lodged, letting you know the likely outcome of a vote ahead of the proxy deadline

To further streamline the process, we’ve integrated our ClientOnline platform with Market Eye’s innovative Market HQ. If you’re already using ClientOnline, your existing login now gives you seamless access to Market HQ, which you can activate to include all of your beneficial holder information going forward.

An optional Market HQ subscription gives you access to an investor relations platform that links register analysis, market share data, database management, and investor communications.

To take advantage of any of these services, or to find out more about BoardRoom’s partnership with Market Eye and how you can benefit, contact us today.

Contact BoardRoom for more information:

Steve Hodkin

Head of Listed Client Services
+61 2 9290 9630
